OCIA provides an ongoing process of conversion and “walking” with the people inquiring about the Catholic Faith as they journey through the stages of catechesis and conversion. The catechumenal process is a spiritual journey which varies according to God’s grace and the free cooperation of the individuals involved, as well as circumstances of time and place. .
In order to be a member of the team or sponsor, one must have a desire to share faith with the Inquirers and be willing to journey with them. Different areas of ministry are required for the formation of a team:
Hospitality Minister - a person with a welcoming spirit who sets up and provides hospitality; Catechist/Scripture Sharer-- versed in scriptures and knowledgeable about the Catholic Faith; Table Leader-has some knowledge of scripture and is willing to share faith stories and direct discussion; Sponsor--a companion, guide, model of faith who “walks along” the journey with the inquirer.
The OCIA journey is year-round and begins when the person inquires. There are four distinct stages that are integral to the Process: Pre-Catechumenate, Catechumenate, Enlightenment, and Mystagogia.The
Age: Adult
Time Commitment: Varies throughout the program
Training/Qualifications: Fully initiated member of the Catholic Church
Contact: Joe Mikolajczyk at 440-888-8220 or [email protected]
Click here if you are interested in finding out more information about becoming a member of the Catholic Church.