Prayer to St. Michael
St. Michael the Archangel,
defend us in battle.
Be our defense against the wickedness and snares of the Devil.
May God rebuke him, we humbly pray,
and do thou,
O Prince of the heavenly hosts,
by the power of God,
thrust into hell Satan,
and all the evil spirits,
who prowl about the world
seeking the ruin of souls. Amen
Prayer to St. Joseph
Oh, St. Joseph, whose protection is so great, so strong, so prompt before the throne of God. I place in you all my interests and desires. Oh, St. Joseph, do assist me by your powerful intercession, and obtain for me from your divine Son all spiritual blessings, through Jesus Christ, our Lord. So that, having engaged here below your heavenly power, I may offer my thanksgiving and homage to the most loving of Fathers.
Oh, St. Joseph, I never weary of contemplating you, and Jesus asleep in your arms; I dare not approach while He reposes near your heart. Press Him in my name and kiss His fine head for me and ask him to return the Kiss when I draw my dying breath. St. Joseph, Patron of departing souls - Pray for me. Amen
Laudate contains all things catholic from daily readings, liturgy of the hours, catechism, vatican documents and more.
USA Catholic Church available on Google Play or Apple iTunes
A whole wide world of faith in the palm of your hands.
For the first time, the USA Catholic Church app from USCCB brings together parishes and (arch)dioceses across the United States—as well as the Vatican—into one, single mobile solution.
The App Features All This and More:
Daily Scripture readings
USCCB content integration
Up to the minute Catholic news
English/Spanish capability
News alerts, calls-to-action, events calendar
Church finder by location, city, zip code – Coming soon!
Individual parish and diocesan pages – Coming soon!
Comprehensive Coverage of Pope Francis: Keep current with what the Pope is saying and doing. The app features communications from the Vatican and Catholic News Service, with comprehensive coverage of Pope Francis's upcoming visit to the United States.
Flocknote in Year-Study Series
We currently have 3 study programs available: "Popes in a year", the popular "Catechism in a year", and a 'Daily Work of Mercy' program for the Jubilee Year of Mercy (together with the Diocese of Steubenville [OH] and the Diocese of Syracuse [N.Y.])
About 'Popes in a Year'
We all know Pope Francis, and we all know St. Peter, but do you know all the popes in between? This program will send a daily (Mon-Fri) installment featuring a brief and fun overview of every pope of the Catholic Church from #1 to #266. Don't worry, we'll also put sources at the bottom for anyone who wants to do further reading!
To sign up for the Pope list, simply go to
About 'Study the Catechism in a Year'
Join the largest group in human history (120k+) to ever study the catechism together! Get one email a day (MON-FRI) and cover the entire catechism in a year. (NOTE: We'll be using the Baltimore Catechism and including direct links to the modern Catechism for reference and further reading)
To sign up for the Catechism list, simply go to
About 'Daily Works of Mercy'
You can choose to get a daily text message or a daily email - it's up to you! It's one short message each day...with one simple thing you can do to celebrate this Year of Mercy.
To sign up for the Year of Mercy list, simply go to and visit for more resources.
FAQs about these programs
Is there a cost associated with these programs?
Nope. These programs are totally FREE and open to the public.
Do I need to be associated with a church or parish to take part in these programs?
Nope. These study programs are open to all individuals regardless of whether they are associated with a church or parish. Please use the sign up links in the top section of this page to join the particular program(s) you are interested in.
Problems signing up:
If you've already signed up, make sure you click the verification email it sends you (make sure it didn't go into your spam folder). If you can't find it, please try signing up again at the above links. If all else fails, you can always login to Flocknote and have the verification email resent to you (click here for instructions). You will not receive the daily emails until your email address verification has been completed.
Accessing past readings:
If you just signed up today, then you may have missed today's reading. However, you'll start getting new daily readings early each morning, so we recommend just clicking on the group name in the email you receive to view past notes. Creating a password will also allow you to read past emails and update your subscription settings.
Can you resend me a past reading, or start me off on a particular day?
Based on the size and structure of these Study Programs, we unfortunately do not have the ability to resend particular days or restart your emails at a particular day. We usually plan on starting the Study Programs over once the year is finished, so feel free to jump in where we are and stick with things until you come full circle. While we can't resend the emails, we do keep a copy of all of the past emails online - just see the FAQ immediately above this one ("Accessing past readings") for a how-to.
If you would like to unsubscribe from this list, there is an unsubscribe link at the bottom right corner of every email we send out from the list (no need to log in, just clicking the link will do the trick).
How to update your email address:
Need to update your email address? To update your email, phone number or first and last name, login and click the "My Info" button (icon of a person) in the top left. Never logged in before? Simply use the reset password link on the login page to have a temporary password emailed to you.
Can I print these study materials on my website or in my bulletin/newsletter?
The use of the materials for these study programs have generously been granted to Flocknote by our partners. We do not have any power or authority to grant permission for printing these materials elsewhere. However, you are more than welcome to spread the word about how to sign up for these projects on your website, or in your bulletin/newsletter.
Having problems receiving emails? Did your emails stop?
There are a few reasons you may not be receiving emails, or your emails may have stopped:
The emails may be going to your spam folder:
Please add add [email protected] to your address book or safe sender list to make sure that the daily emails are not being sent to your junk or spam folder.
Your email address may not be verified:
When you initially signed up for one of the study programs, Flocknote sent you a verification email to make sure you were the owner of the email address and that there weren't any typos in your email address. If you never verified your email address, the system will not send the emails to you. You can always login to Flocknote and have the verification email resent to you (click here for instructions).
Your emails may have been bouncing back to us:
When there are multiple reports of problems delivering emails to your email address, Flocknote will mark your address as not verified and will stop sending emails to that address. When your address is not verified, Flocknote will not send emails to you. You can always login to Flocknote and have the verification email resent to you (click here for instructions). Adding [email protected] to your address book or safe sender list should prevent your email provider from bouncing the emails back to us or marking them as spam or junk.
You may be forwarding the emails and becoming unsubscribed:
The daily emails always contain a link in the bottom right hand corner to 'Unsubscribe'. This link is unique to the original recipient of the email. If you forward the email to anyone, they will have the power to unsubscribe you. Instead of forwarding the emails, we encourage you to share the sign up links for the programs listed in the top section of this page. If you were unsubscribed, you can sign up again using the sign up links at the top of this article.